We've all heard the saying, "sleep is for the weak." Keep reading to learn why this couldn't be further from the truth.
Tips and strategies for enjoying phones without letting them impact your emotional or physical health.
Empowering Social Media and Chat Habits
Social media can be draining if you don't set a few simple boundaries for yourself. Click here to see a list of healthy social media habits!
Destressing Strategy: Journaling
Journaling is known to help with relieving stress for many different reasons.
Destressing Strategy: Good Quality Sleep
Sleep is SO important, especially when it comes to destressing. This article answers why and provides some tips for getting good quality sleep.
Destressing Strategy: Meditation
Meditation can help calm you down, during and after. Keep reading to learn about the various ways you can meditate!
Am I Sad or Depressed? What's the Difference?
What's the difference between sadness and depression? This article defines each and distinguishes between the two terms.
Destressing Strategy: Physical Activity
Anything that moves the body can help with stress and anxiety. Keep reading to learn why!
Hormones and Moods: Do Raging Hormones Make You Moody?
Have you ever heard the adults in your life say that you have “raging hormones” right now - beyond annoying, what does that even mean? We answer that in this article!