The ovaries: females are born with two, one on each side of the pelvis, about the size and shape of a large grape. This is where the eggs (ovum) mature before being released down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. This is also where the hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced.
The fallopian tubes: there are two of those, too, one tube on each side leading from each ovary to the uterus. These tubes provide a passageway for the egg to travel.
The uterus: a muscle just a little bit bigger than your closed fist. The inside walls of the uterus is covered with a nutrient-rich lining that can nourish a fetus, so if a woman gets pregnant, the fertilized egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus so it can grow and thrive. Without a pregnancy, the lining lasts about a month and then sheds itself so that a new one can grow. The shedded lining is a period.
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